In this two-part series (with an optional third part), Chris and Whitney will teach you how to play Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
It is expected that participants will attend Session 1 on June 8th and Session 2 on June 15th. Session 3 on 29th is optional, but encouraged. :)
Ages: 12 and older, 10-11 year olds can enroll if attending with an enrolled adult
This session will cover the following topics:
In this session, you will play a one-shot game run by Whitney. Chris (or another experienced player) will play, too. After the game, we'll wrap up with some discussion of preferred playstyles and forming your own gaming group.
The first two sessions cost $10 for non-members, and $5 for members. Session 3 is a separate registration and can be found here: D&D Session 3